Genetic stability of forests is understood as the ability of wood species to self-reproduction and sustaining the number of individual trees in the generation succession keeping the genetic diversity. It is well-known that in course of microevolution within a species natural habitat a system of hierarchically interdependent chorologic units is formed, each of the units is characterized by a specific gene pool. An elementary constituent part of this structure of bio-chorologic species organization that can evolve independently and keep its number in generation succession is represented by a population. Thus genetic sustainability of a species and of a forest eco-system in course of time is conditioned by the ability of every population to self-reproduce without loosing its gene pool. For this reason a population as an elementary constituent part of specious genetic sustainability should be numerous and populated densely enough and it should have some definite isolation forms. It is possible to preserve the genetic sustainability in full measure by means of self-reproduction of populations in the generation succession only if there is no any anthropogenic impact. In the forests that are meant for timber production this process is troublesome. In this case it is necessary to work out a special program that is to be realized within the framework of each population. As a result of research of population-chorologic structure of the species it is possible to single out separate populations and to delimitate them. By the example of Pinus Silvestris it was shown that this problem can be solved with the help of phenotypic (including phenetic) research method. Its high informativity is conditioned by the fact that the markers used here are represented by population-chorologic units of the system of carefully selected genotypically determined discrete variations (phenes) that are ranged according to the level of specious structural organization. As a result of phene-geographic research in the Kirov region there were delimitated 17 local populations. A scheme-map of their location was made. This map serves as the basis for the program of preserving genetic sustainability of the species. This program is fulfilled in the course of felling mature, overripe forests, and loss of some part of a population as a result of natural disasters as well as in the course of preliminary, concomitant or posterior reproduction of the new generation. It has two stages. The first stage (in the process of felling) is characterized by: 1) preserving natural genetic diversity by means of keeping the effective number of individual trees; 2) regulation of spatial population density on the ground of regulation felling sites and reducing the width of wood-cutting areas; 3) preserving underbrush by means of technologically effective cutting area work; 4) creating optimal conditions for the younger generation self-reproduction by means of using silviculturally-grounded organizational and technical methods of felling. During the second stage the younger generation of the forest is formed. This process is being fulfilled mostly naturally by means of: 1) the underbrush preserved from felling (preliminary reproduction); 2) self-seeding that occurs in case of gradual felling (concomitant reproduction); 3) self-seeding that occurs in the cleared space after complete felling. Artificial regeneration of the lost part of the population is being fulfilled with the use of special technologies that provide full sustainability of genepool. The program is tested in the Kirov region.
Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition